Saturday, September 26, 2009


Life of nature the same boring old procedure … the early sunshine's... The chirping birds that follow the same old boring routine of collecting food. Then come the farm animals doing cook a doodle doo and the able bodied farmers marching off towards the same farms, following them in suit are the businessmen, doctors, engineers, politicians and finally us….

There is no change in the days of the week, but yes of course they change from Monday to Sunday, but they all look the same, don’t they...? it's such anguish...! we do resemble more like the Hollywood Sci-Fi movie predicted future robots.. ''We are the slaves of technology '' this is the common statement we often get to hear now a days... but this is not the fact because if we were the actual slaves of technology we would enjoy everyday as a new day, every day a new work a new life….

If we look into the heart of the deep oceans, the core of sky, the womb of mother earth we will surely find many a mystery unsolved, many facts still to be discovered, much more knowledge yet to be unveiled... but before solving , discovering and unveiling them we have one auspicious thing to do…

We are serving the community bounded by communalism, the world ruled by an unknown ruler. If we look deep into the facts of the present world, we might discover to our shock that the slaves of time, technology and knowledge is nobody else than 'us' the present young generation.

We the generation are striving forward to a an nonexisting goal , slogging ourselves day and night, stressing our grey cells to the maximum just to achieve our dreams of becoming doctors , engineers and architects .. In our craze of fulfilling our dreams, we are loosing our childhood, the days which should have some fun in them because they remain as memorable days of our life, but nowadays they are spent as bodies bent over books with exams hovering around our necks…

Our days begin with the Chinese holy rooster's first call and the shining morning rays of the sun with books in our hands preparing for our day ahead... in case we cut short our morning from the gleaming rays of the sun to the buzzing of the morning buses , we have to prolonge our nights by writing impositions.. After the days boring lectures at college comes the time to pay full attention in coaching classes... earlier attending coaching classes was a shame but now more than colleges coaching institutes are spoken about…

We the young generation are being ruled over not by parents , teachers or guardians, but by speechless books unpredictable time and never to come true dreams … I ask why …? Is there an answer to this universal question..?


Anonymous said...

very trve..

we are a fucked up generation !

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